Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sin: Easy To Do, Not So Easy To Define?

Last night we bagen a discussion on the topic of Sin. We began by going around and listeing to people define sin personally.

-"Something that keeps you from a the Higher Power (being)."
-That which hurts God

-"Anything that tetracts from, or fail to hold to God's vision for the world.
+Is this more than moraility?

-"Anything that falls short of 'Love God/Love Neighbor'".

-"NOT working towards/being true to the person into whom God is making you."

Other comments:

-Sin originates from 2 places: Pride (ego) and Apathy (failure to act)
+The assumption then is that himility was the prefered motivator enacted out of love?

-Sin is not a "list" of spicific "no-no's"
+The Church has focused on a "list" of what is sinful to teach it's followlers.
+This leads to the inevitable Hiarchy of sins, even though we claim that all "sins" are equal if there were/is a list
+This also leads to leagalistic and binding faith!

We Asked, "if love is the standard for how to live sinless/not commit sin(?)" Who decides what is "loving"?

-Quote from Frederick Buechner: "sometimes love is doing something for someone, and sometimes its leaving them alone"
-It was stated that something like killing is always a sin
+Then it was brought up that the theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, was part of an assasination attempt on Hitler because he thought that was the most loving thing to do!
+Brought up the question about how subjective love/sin can be perhaps?

SOMEONE then got in an imaginative segway about cults:) you know who you are!
This SOMEONE (with some additions of another fellow sidetracker) made us all laugh for a wonderful amount of time! It was nice to be reminded that serious conversations doesn't always mean we have to be solomn and serious in our talks! Thanks SOMEONE!!!!!

-There was an interesting closing comment off of the sidetrack:
--"There seems to be a fine line between the ritualistic cults, and the ritualistic Church????? Any "truth" to that?

and that's where we left off...

Happy Thanksgiving
Leave comments and continue conversatoin, we would love to hear from those who weren't present...


Jeff said...

Sounds like a good discussion.

I think Jesus clearly says in the sermon on the mount that sin is a lot more than we think it is.

I would say that we should not be focused on trying not to sin, because that's really just trying to be good enough. Rather we should focus on God's grace and his love and how great that is.

Anonymous said...

HAHA, SOMEONE AYE? Who could that have been????

Justin said...

I agree with you. As a matter of fact, I am starting to think we went backwards in topics.... we discussed grace in our differing religions context, but I wonder what would happen if we looked at grace now in the context of sin????

You know, I can't seem to remember who that "someone" is?? I've been trying hard to remember...It had to be someone really funny.... i think it had to have been one of the girls cause none of us guys are that funny:)