Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Possible Topics: 11-14

The thing we ended on this past week was what do we do with John 14:6 in relation to our discussion of "truth".

Another possible topic that was sparked by a portion of the conversation last week could be a discussion on SIN and what that means to us. please see previous post (recap) for a couple of statements.

What is Sin?
How do we Define it individually?
What about us being "fallen", or what about the "fall" story?
In this topic, we might consider 1 Cor. 10:23-33 (focal on v. 23).

These are just some suggestions, as always they are subject to be thrown aside if anyone has anything they would like to share/discuss with the group from their own lives!

Enjoy and see you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Justin said...

an interesting discussion is happening on the topic of Jesus as the only way and John 14 on this post:

highlight all you can and it will copy the whole thing even if the whole link doesn't show up! feel free to jump in, any ideas are welcome!